Bickal Koi Farm Toddville Iowa Koi For Sale in Indianapolis Indiana |
In August of 1986 I went through my Army Job Training at Ft Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis Indiana.
The Indiana Hoosiers and the Iowa Hawkeyes might have a little rivalry going, but we all still love koi!
In 2012 I made my first trip back to Indianapolis since my Army days, this time to sell some Iowa Koi!
I was sad to find out that Ft. Benjamin Harrison had been closed, but I was welcomed with open arms by
the Indiana Koi Water Garden Club
The club holds their Koi Show and Water Garden Tour Every Year.
Bickal Koi Farm from Toddville Iowa will again be attending this show and will be bringing a great selection
of all sizes of affordable koi to the show. You don't have to wait for the show to
buy koi, we can Ship Koi To Indianapolis Area or anywhere in Indiana very affordable. Contact us today! Indiana Koi Show/Pond Tour/Vendor and Art Exhibit Sorry we were not able to get into this show for 2015 |