Greg Bickal's DIY Series: Buiding a Venturi
A venturi is used to increase the amount of oxygen going into your water. This is done by attaching a special fitting to the output side of your pump. The flow of water through the venturi creates a vacuum which draws air down through a special pipe and mixes it with the water. This venturi must be used with a pump that delivers a minimum of 2400gph.

diagram of a venturi fitting

Item Qty Description Size
A 1 PVC Pipe 1 1/2", 6" length
B 1 CPVC Reducing Tee 3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2"
C 1 CPVC Pipe 1/2", 5" length
  1. Grind down the CPVC reducing Tee (item B) so that it fits inside the 1 1/2" PVC pipe (item A). Make sure you leave enough of the joint to attach the other pipe.

  2. You should have space all around the Tee.

  3. Drill a 1/2" hole in the center of the 1 1/2" PVC pipe (item A).

  4. Insert a scrap peice of 1/2" pipe into the end of the Tee. This will be used to help maneuver it into place.

  5. Apply primer to the top end of the Tee and to one end of the 1/2" pipe.
  6. Heat up the section of the pipe with the hole using a heat gun, stove or propane torch (if using a gas stove or a propane torch, be sure to hold far enough away so as not to scortch the PVC).

  7. Apply glue to the top end of the Tee and to one end of the 1/2" pipe.
  8. Insert the 1/2" CPVC pipe (the end with the glue) (item C) into the hole. Stretching the hole to accept the CPVC pipe.

  9. Allow to sufficient time to cool, and for the glue to cure.

  10. Connect the 1 1/2" PVC pipe to the output flow of your pump. Follow the diagram above to make sure you have the flow direction correct.

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