This is how it started
This is what it looked like when I arrived.
The hole for the settling chamber is dug out, and the wood support ring starts to go in.
The trench for the waste line is dug out.
The bottom drain pipe is in place.
The bottom drain is cemented into place.
Bottom Drain piping is backfilled. The wood chamber is finished.
Bottom Drain piping is backfilled. The wood chamber is finished.
Rubber is in the pond and starting to fill.
Rubber is in the pond and starting to fill.
Rubber is in the pond and starting to fill.
Rubber is in the pond and starting to fill.
The hill where the waterfall will go.
The air line from the bottom drain has a valve and is stubbed off.
The plumbing for the settling chamber is done. A 4" line (top left) coming in from the bottom drain from the pond. A 3" line (middle) that will drain waste down the hill.
The bottom drain is connected through the rubber with the pipe boot.
A Bottom drain cover, made from the 20" base of a plastic pot. I bought this at Home Depot for $10.
The manufacturer is
I cut a hole in the center to accommodate the 3/4" pipe.
I use scrape peice of barrel to make washers.
The finished peices ready to asemble
The air dome goes on top.
The threaded connection sticks out the bottom.
First washer goes on.
Second washer goes on.
A 3/4" fitting that is threaded on one end and SLIP on the other end gets tightened down
A 1/8" hole is drilled through the drain cover to let out any air which may get trapped under the drain cover.
A peice of 3/4" pipe and a male threaded end it attached. I call this the stem.
The drain cover is screwed down into the drain. If gap between the drain and the liner has any low spots, I use a flat rock to prop the cover up in the low spot. Usually only one rock is needed.
Rubber is in the filter chamber. The barrel is installed in the filter chamber.
Two 90 degree elbows are used to attach the barrel to the pipe going through the wall. This allows the barrel to be placed anywhere, and the elbows can adjust for height and length.
The pond is filling, liner is attached to filter box.
The pond is filling, liner is attached to filter box.
Filter chamber is ready for decking. The 2" line on the right with the elbow up is an overflow pipe.
The waterfall and stream are complete. This pond looks Fantastic!!