Note: My methods of bottom drain and filter construction have been improved since this pond was build.
Please review newer consultation projects to make sure you see the latest and greatest ideas.
Rodger's Design Drawings for the entire yard
Pond Area close-up
My design for the filtration
Main Pond Construction
The Design - This pond was designed to fit into a small space behind the house and a structure in the back yard. The
main pond itself (Item 14) will be about 4,000 gallons, and have a deep shelf for water lilys, and a shallow
shelf for marginal plants. The pond will be connected via two bottom drains to the settling chamber (Item 13).
The pump will be housed underneath the bridge and pump water up to the waterfall (Item 16), and then return back
to the pond via a stream (Item 15). The pump for this installation will be a sequence 1000 (4400gph).
A "before" picture of where the pond will go
The rough shaping is done, and the pipework for the bottom drains is roughed in.
Another angle of the bottom drains.
Bottom drains connecting to the settling chamber.
The pipes are backfilled, and the final shaping is done.
Carpet is used as underlayment. I begin prepping the bottom drains.
Bottom drain elbow is flush with the carpet.
The "stand pipe" which will connect the elbow of the bottom drain through the rubber.
The standpipe is glued into place.
The liner is centered in the hole and roughly fit into place.
I mark the hole that I will cut for the pipe boot.
Every ponders nightmare, cutting a hole in the liner.
Dennis watches as I install the pipe boot.
Connection complete.
Roger & Dennis connect the bottom drain bracket to the standpipe.
Bottom drain assembly is now ready for the cover
The cover for the bottom drain is installed (a .50 cent bowl from Walmart).
The pond is slowly filled with water. The liner is adjusted as it fills to eliminate wrinkles, and make the bottom
as smooth as possible. A water meter is used to determine the exact gallonage of the pond.
This picture was taken months after the pond was build. The pond is now full of water, plants and fish have been added.
The blue bottom drain covers blends in nicely and are barely visible.
The rock border begins taking shape.
Rodger attached the liner to the bridge.
Settling Chamber
The settling chamber is lined with carpet.
The settling chamber is ready for liner. The two 4" pipes in the upper right are from the bottom drains. The 1 1/2"
line to the left of those is where the pump will draw its water. There is also a 4" drain line in the bottom of the
settling chamber for easy cleanout. Be sure to check below for a picture of the dry creekbed which Roger used as a
cleaver way to discharge the contents of the bottom drain during maintenance.
Rubber liner is installed in the settling chamber, and the pipe boots are connected.
The settling chamber is filled with water. I got to be the lucky one to remove the temporary caps which connected
the settling chamber to the already filled pond. Have you ever seen water rushing through two 4" pipes at full force ?
Needless to say, I got wet fast. Notice how dirty the water is, thats because its comming from the bottom drains, and
they're working like a charm.
The settling chamber finished and filled full of plants.
Waterfall & Filter
A close-up of the pumphouse.
That completes my part of the participation for this pond, but I can't just leave you hanging there. You have to see
this fantastic project through to its completion. The story continues.....
The waterfall is roughed in. The filter for this pond will be similar to the "Skippy" filter using a Rubbermaid container.
Carpet is added as an underlayment.
Liner is installed in the waterfall.
Rock work begins.
Rock work is finished.
Spray foam is used to seal the crevases between the rocks.
The waterfall is up and running.
A close-up.
The waterfall pool.
The stream is roughed in
Liner is installed.
Rock work is finished.
The stream is flowing.
Finished Pictures
A view of the pond looking towards the waterfall
A view of the stream standing next to the waterfall
The Mermaid.
The plants have matured.
A view of the settling chamber from across the pond.
A year later, look at all of the plants !!! The Thompsons have a green thumb !!!
Fantastic koi!!
But wait, this adventure still isn't over with. The Thompson's yard is a Registered Backyard Wildlife Habitat. Continue
the journey to see how this yard became a pea gravel pit to a wildlife retreat.......
The front yard. Follow this path, and it will lead you to the pond in the back yard. Don't worry, if you get lost
just listen for the sound of Roger's 6' high waterfall !!
After you have visted the pond, the path continues on down back of the house to the wildflower area. And a bridge with a
dry creek.
A barbeque area, and another dry creek. This is the creek that handles the water from the settling chamber. Very nicely
A year later and the plants have matured and an arbor was added.
In August of 2005 we upgraded the filter on Rogers pond to include a Static Strainer.