Billy Lovan's Pond - Des Moines Iowa

Pond liner is pulled back, and the hole for the filter pit has been roughed in.

Pond liner is pulled back, and the hole for the filter pit has been roughed in.

Pond liner is pulled back, and the hole for the filter pit has been roughed in.

The hole for the 6" bottom drain pipe.

The hole for the 6" bottom drain pipe.

The hole for the 6" bottom drain pipe.

The hole for the 6" bottom drain pipe.

The trench for the 6" pipe has been dug.

The trench for the 6" pipe has been dug.

The 6" bottom drain is assembled.

The 6" bottom drain is assembled.

The 6" bottom drain and the air line are installed in the trench.

The bottom drain is cemented in. We used six 40lb bags of fast setting quickcrete.

Bottom drain line is backfilled

First ring of the settling chamber box is in place. We used 2x10 green treated lumber.

6" line coming into the settling chamber is backfilled. There is no way to drain this settling chamber, so we put a low spot in the settling chamber, and this is where a sump pump will be mounted to pump the sludge out when the filter gets cleaned.

Second ring of the settling chamber box is in place.

The third, forth and fifth rings of the settling chamber box is in place.

The 6" drain is pipe booted in.

A Bottom drain cover, made from the 20" base of a plastic pot. I bought this at Home Depot for $10.

The manufacturer is

I cut a hole in the center to accommodate the 3/4" pipe.

I use scrape peice of barrel to make washers.

The finished peices ready to asemble

The air dome goes on top.

The threaded connection sticks out the bottom.

First washer goes on.

Second washer goes on.

A 3/4" fitting that is threaded on one end and SLIP on the other end gets tightened down

A 1/8" hole is drilled through the drain cover to let out any air which may get trapped under the drain cover.

A peice of 3/4" pipe and a male threaded end it attached. I call this the stem.

The drain cover is screwed down into the drain. If gap between the drain and the liner has any low spots, I use a flat rock to prop the cover up in the low spot. Usually only one rock is needed.

The 13x13 peice of liner is being installed in the settling chamber.

The pipe boot connections are made through the liner. The 6" standpipe (right side) is what will be used as a valve to shut water flow off to the settling chamber when it gets cleaned. The 3" gate vale (left) goes to the pump. It is inside the chamber so that it is accessable and wont allow water outside where it could freeze.

In this picture we see a 4" line (right). This will be for a DIY no-niche style skimmer.

Skimmer line pipe booted throught the rubber.

The pump is installed. Dolphin "Bi Mo" 1/2hp 10,500gph from 3" inlet and outlet. The valve to shut off the pump is inside the settling chamber. That way when the pump is pulled for winter time, the lines can be drained so they wont freeze or break. I was very impressed with the flow from this pump and it only uses 540 watts. WOW.

barrels are pre-assembled

Center tube is 6" pipe, draw tube is 3" pipe.

Barrels are floated in the settling cahmber

wood joists are used to hang the barrels

Straps made from scrap peices of barrel. I bolt these to the barrel using stainless steel bolts.

More pictures to be added in the future!!