This pond is about 1200 gallons, with and a small waterfall. On this pond, I helped the homeowner design and conceptualize the pond. The homeowner dug the pond himself. I did the final shaping. I installed most of the piping, including 1 bottom drain. I also installed the pond rubber, and made the boot connections through the liner to all of the plumbing. The homeowner and I placed all of the rocks and I installed the waterfall rock. I supplied this pond with plants. The water flowing over this waterfall is about 3600gallons per hour. The filter is a 55gallon barrel burried in the ground with a pond liner settling pool. Click here for construction photos.
My methods of bottom drain and filter construction have been improved since this pond was build. Please review newer consultation projects to make sure you see the latest and greatest ideas.
The rough digging is done.A view from the side.A view from the top.The pump is a Sequence 750, 3600gph. With strainer basket.
The fitting in the upper right hand corner is a air line. Winter time, you can
hook up your compressor and backfill the line with air and then close the valve
so it wont freeze. There is a bottom drain in this pond (sorry I forgot to get
a picture), however since the pond was small, and more of an ornamental pond,
I decided to use the pond itself as a settling chamber, and just drain from
the pond bottom on a regular basis. The pump draws its water from just above
the lily shelf. The two lines that exit the pumphouse going up, the one on the
left is the drain for the filter, the other one is the pump pushing water to the filter
The plumbing going to the filter.More plumbing.The filter barrel itself. A 55 gallon barrel, upflow design. Uses bird netting has
media. Drain line in the very bottom. I fogot to take a picture of how I attach
the barrel to pond rubber, but its the same way I do my pipe boots. Cut a hole in
the rubber 1/2 the diameter of the barrel. Streech the liner over the barrel. Put
a bead of silicone underneath where the rubber touches the barrel. Then put another
washer ring of rubber over the liner, then a stainless steel clamp (I have a cut to
size clamp kit). Then another washer over the clamp. Caulk the screw mechanizim on
the clamp and done. Sorry, next time more picturesThe finished pondA close-up of the waterfall.