Crab Resturant
One night we decided to try this fancy Crab resturant. On the front of the building was this 30' wide moving crab.
Inside the waitress were dressed in tradional outfits, and you removed your shoes at the door.
The resturant was nicely decorated inside with a very good atmosphere. There was a tank in the middle of the room with live
The menu was pretty hard to decypher, so I ordered a meal which looked like a crab chowder with a side order of crab tator tots.
Everyone else ordered pretty much what I did. Well, the meal was actually more like crab mac-n-cheese. The crab tator tots where alright.
The joke of the evening was my attempt to order a glass of milk. Apparently, making a sipping motion with your hand while
making a moo'ing sound did not get my point across. So I had Coke instead.
McDonalds (prounounced Mishy Donal)
Two Iowa boys are use to eating corn feed Beef and potatoes. Wasen't alot of that to be found in Japan, and Sushi wasen't
exactly my thing. After the appetizer at the crab resturant, we were ready for something a little more filling.
We had a little trouble getting directions to McDonalds. I asked a Japansese guy walking down the street "McDonalds ???", he
gave me a puzzled look, then I pretended to eat a hamburger and said it again. He smiled and shook his head and said "Mishy Donal" and
pointed in the general direction right down the street. They dont have value menus there,
because everything is a low price. Silly Americans, you order ala carte, that way if you don't want fries, you dont have
to get them. The server even bowed several times. They dont leave food siting there for 10 minutes, so they had to cook
my burger, which only took a minute, and they ran (yes ran) it to my table and bowed several more times. Try and get that
kind of service locally. Well the burger tasted awsome, and not just because I was starving. They had some kind of special
sauce there that was delicous.
Noodle House
On day 2 we went to this noodle house for lunch. It overlooked the river, and the view out the window was breathtaking.

I had a plate of crab alfredo, and actually ate with my chopsticks. What was really interesting about this resturant, was the
waitress would put on her shoes to come and serve the patrons, then then take them off again as she entered the kitchen. Can you imagine
taking off and putting on your shoes like every 2 or 3 mintues, hundreds of times a day. Now thats dedication.
Soup House over the creek
On the last day of koi hunting we ate at this little resturant that was cantalievered over a creek.
The view and the sound of the water rushing by were awsome. This place served a really good noodle soup.