Build it and they will come, koi that is...
Hey we are in Iowa after all and the Field of Dreams is only 30 miles North East as the crow flies! Stay tuned for Pictures from 2014!
March 14nd, 2014. Spring thaw is here and all of that snow has melted and filled the pond!April 14nd, 2014. Overflow Pipe working well during spring rain!May 15th, 2014. Almost ready for koi!June 8th, 2014. Mia Bickal makes the ceremonial first toss of a water hyacinth full of koi eggs into our very first mudpond! Can't wait to watch them hatch and grow.June 8th, 2014. Mud pond full of eggs ready to hatch!June 17th, 2014. No rain in over 2 weeks. Fry have hatched but water levels are low!June 19th, 2014. Rain at Last! Water level is up quite a ways.July 2nd, 2014. 4" of Rain. Mud pond Overflowed it got so full.August 17, 2014. dug a 30x70 pond up by the barnOctober 18, 2014. Test Pull to see how many koi are in the mudpond.October 18, 2014. 1,500 koi pulled after just 2 pulls. Colors very bright. Very few deformed fish.October 18, 2014. There were twice this many Leapord Frogs in the net when we pulled it.October 27, 2014. digging sand from the sand pit.November 15, 2014. Winter view of the sand pit.